My name is John Raymond Hayford. I am 50 years of age. I am married with 5 beloved children, three male and two females. The males are charles hayford, Ebenazer Hayford, Samuel Hayford and the females are Getrude Hayford and Issabella Hayford. All of them are christians with the exception of the little boy Samuel who is yet to be batized. I was born into a typical moslem religion of which all my extended family members are devoted to. I grew up with the religion before I was converted into the LORD's church on the 3rd of November 1981 by Preacher Thomas Dadzie of Blessed memory. Since my conversion, I have been working with many WBS campaigners. I was then enrolled at the Ghana Bible College in 1986 - 1988 to pursue a diploma in Biblical studies. Since then, I have sacrificed my whole life working as a full time Preacher of the gospel. My wife Comfort is the women's Bible Teacher and real supportive to my work. My children are also members of the Youth, participating in youth activities and Youth Evangelism Team. |